Summary is one of the world's leading online stores and offers stylish watches, bracelets and jewelry with a timeless design that suits every occasion.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Daniel Wellington APAC Affiliate Programme

Welcome to Daniel Wellington's Affiliate Program! is one of the world's leading online stores and offers stylish watches, bracelets and jewelry with a timeless design that suits every occasion. Whether you are invited to a finer event, to play a tennis match or enjoy a sunny day at the beach, a Daniel Wellington is your perfect complement.

Why collaborate with Daniel Wellington?

  • Well-known brand with strong converting e-commerce
  • Quality products in the categories watches, rings, bracelets and necklaces - that fit everything from everyday to party!
  • Free shipping and low return rate
  • We will also give you a great comission 

Rules regarding SEM and sponsored links

The advertiser has a completely closed keyword policy. It is therefore forbidden to buy the advertiser's trademark, the advertiser's own trademarks and spellings or misspellings of these words. It is also forbidden to drive traffic directly to the advertiser by purchasing sponsored links, regardless of words. These should be included as negative keywords. If you bid, no compensation will be paid.

Advertising blog & social media

One of the options below must be clearly stated at the top of the activities and in all places where advertising links are used.

1) Where a part of the post contains Adtraction's links, it must be advertised at the top "The post contains advertising through advertising links for x". *

2) For posts that are completely dedicated to specific advertiser / advertisers, the post should be ad-marked at the top with "The post is advertising for x and contains advertising links". *

3) Alternative ad tagging: "Paid collaboration with x"

4) Alternative ad marking: “Advertisement / Advertising for x” *

x = fill in with the name of the advertiser you are advertising for

If this is not followed, we will have to end the collaboration.


When sending an email, it is always necessary to send a preview to, where it is stated what date the mailing takes place and number of recipients, after this wait OK from him before it is approved to be sent out.

Google Shopping Rules

Google Shopping is not allowed on the program. If you want to work with Google Shopping on the program, please email your request to

Google Shopping must always be approved by the advertiser.

This applies to all search engines.

Rules regarding discount codes

It is NOT permitted to use discount codes from e-mails, paper mailings or from any other advertising that the advertiser sends directly to their customers. Commissions will not be paid for sales generated with these discount codes. On the other hand, it is permitted to market discount codes that the advertiser communicates directly through Adtraction and which are available live at the advertiser's e-store.

Brand strategy

The advertiser works on the basis of a clear brand strategy. This strategy in combination with target group adaptation governs the selection of publishers. If the advertiser does not feel that the publisher's content "or graphic profile" is in line with the strategy, the application may be denied.

If you have any questions on the program, please do not hesitate to reach out to our affiliate manager Max at We look forward to working with you!